LRN Query
LRN Query
LRN Overview (Click here to complete our LRN Query service request form)
A location routing number (LRN) is an identification for a telephone switch for the purpose of routing telephone calls through the public switched telephone network (PSTN) in the United States. This identification has the format of a telephone number, in accordance with the North American Numbering Plan (NANP).
In the US, the location routing number is a ten-digit number following the specifications of the North American Numbering Plan. The LRN is stored in a database called a Service Control Point (SCP) that identifies a switching port for a local telephone exchange. Using LRN, when a telephone number has been dialed, the local telephone exchange queries or "dips" a routing database, usually the SCP, for the LRN associated with the subscriber number. The LRN removes the need for the public telephone number to identify the local exchange carrier. If a subscriber changes to another telephone service provider, the current telephone number can be retained, and only the LRN needs to be changed. In addition to supporting service provider telephone number portability, an LRN also supports the possibility of two other types of number portability: service portability (for example, ordinary service to ISDN) and geographic portability.
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289 S Robertson Blvd, Suite 239Beverly Hills, CA 90211