Softswitch Features
Redundant Best-in-Class Infrastructure & Geographic Diversity - Click here to see affordable pricing Our switch locations maintain redundant power supply, redundant fiber/data links, dedicated generators, and battery backup. Our switches are built from industry-leading hardware and equipment, ensuring the highest level of performance, reliability, and interoperability.
1 Call Connect also provides geographic diversity for its Switching Platforms in order to maintain system and data redundancy, as well as for placing systems in the optimal physical location for high volume traffic in both the United States and International markets within fully secure IBM Cloud Data Centers, managed 24/7/365.
Flexible Routing Tools
- Unlimited Supplier (Vendor) Connections
- Adaptive Routing based on ASR/ACD (Flexible Crankback management)
- Least Cost Routing (LCR)
- Percentage based routing
- Forced/preference routing
- Prefix length routing
- ASR / ACD Quality monitoring
- Profit / Loss Protection (Margin based Routing)
- Jurisdictional Routing
- Inter/Intra State
- On-Net Routing and Rating
- LRN / Number Portability Lookup
- T.38 Fax Support
- DNCL Supported - Black List, Block List, Do-not call list.
- Test Dialplan tool - Call routing simulator / debugger
- Internal Routing and Rating config test tool
- Codec Agnostic
- Protocol support
- GSM, G.711a, G.711u, G.722, G.723, G.728, G.729 Pass-through
Real Time Monitoring
- 'Real-time' time series graphs
- Call Processing time - Time to Vendor, SIP, LRN, AA.
- Calls Per Second - Ingress cps, Egress cps, Authorized, Routed, Connected.
- In Progress Calls / Concurrent Calls (Channels) - Total, Connected.
- System Wide ASR / ACD - ACD, ASR all in, ASR all out, ASR authenticated.
- Bandwidth In Use
- Throughput
- Active Calls Monitoring
- Real time Credit/Balance reconciliation
- Real time call rating and billing
- Network packet capture abilities - ability to capture network traffic for off-line analysis in wireshark or other industry standard tools.
Sales and Analysis Reporting
- Filterable Customer CDR’s (Destination, caller etc.)
- Filterable Vendor/Supplier CDR’s
- Profit/Loss Reports
- Flexible Summary reports
- Sales Reports
- Payments Reports
- Flexible ASR/ACD Reporting
- Download/Email tools
- Data export
- Account Export
- Tariffs / Rate Deck
- Route / Code Deck
- Customer CDRs
- Supplier CDRs
- PDF Invoice export
Billing Management Tools
- 'Real-time' billing
- Flexible Weekly, Fortnightly and Monthly Billing Cycles
- Configurable billing pattern for call rating (Example: 30:6, 1:1 for per-second billing)
- Pre and Postpaid Service Plans
- DID/CLD accessibility surcharge support
- Configurable Service Plan fixed fees (Example: Monthly Plan fee)
- Billing failure action management
- Destination based Minute Plan support
- Configurable rounding method (round up, or round) for Customer and Vendor CDRs
- Invoicing Generation
- Payment processor integration for automatic client payments on low balance via Credit Card or Paypal.
- Low Balance notifications and Automatic Payment features
- Currency support
- 162 default currencies
- Manual or automatic exchange rate
- Time zones can be configured on individual Vendor or Client basis
- External Balance Daemon for Centralized Balance Management
Support and Security
- Built-in high-performance IP firewall
- Password security controls
- 7+ digit/number/symbol length password prompting
- Manageable password policies
- SSH Blacklisting
- User Audit Logging
- Installation and Provisioning support
- Interactive training sessions for all new customers using screen sharing
- Remote 24x7 monitoring
- 24x7 Rapid response ticketing portal
- Ticket escalation
- Urgent direct line Support extension
- Entitled to all maintenance releases and major version upgrades
- In-house Development team for product refinement and extra development
- Free SSL Certificates through Let's Encrypt
- Remote Support through Secured SSH access.
DID Inventory Management
- DID inventory search / filtering
- Bulk upload tool
- Flexible Inbound routing
- Route to client PBXs by IP addresses - Trunking
- Follow me ( Call Forwarding ) style services where inbound call can be routed back out to alternate destination
- Buying/Selling charges support
- DID Status and Assignment visibility
- DID CDR Reporting
System Administration
- System Administration
- Network Activity Recorder for analysis and debugging purposes
- Re-rate CDR tool
- Web based Ping/Traceroute analysis tool
- Destination/Prefix management
- IP Firewall Management for SIP, Web, SSH, and Database access
- Access Controls for Web users.
- Complete control Web Interface - All switch management features are available from your user interface.
- Use our Softswitch as the foundation to your completely flexible VOIP business. Develop Custom solutions and integrations on top of our Softswitch.
- Language agnostic - Developers can integrate using their language of choice, python, java, PHP, ruby etc.
- Upload your Rates and Routes through the Binary Upload
- Manipulate Accounts, Customers and Vendors
- Manage Environments
- Access the External Balance Daemon for centralized balance tracking
- Full documentation available for all our XML-RPC API methods on our support forums.
Calling Card Module
- Web based configuration
- Comprehensive IVR’s
- Supported languages
- Arabic, Armenia, Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese, Russian, Thai, Turkish, Vietnamese
- Recharge Vouchers
- Voucher usage Reporting
- Credit/Voucher expiration
- Unlimited Bulk generation
- PIN management (Account/Card management)
- Flexible PIN/Account definition
- Bulk generation
- Personal portal
- Pin or Pinless Dialing
- Voicemail
- Hotkeys
- Trusted Number Authentication
- Call Forwarding
- API Accessibility
- Account manipulation
- Payments, credits, debits
- Card Lifetime supported
- Invoicing
- Charges
- Prefix based Minute plans
- Mystery minutes
- Post call surcharges
- DID management
Environments Module
- White-label Reseller portal
- Capacity Partitioning
- IP and Port management
- Expiration date supported
- Flexible Performance and Capacity management
- Web Interface accessibility management
- Available for Dedicated, FLEX and Perpetual purchase licenses
Call Shop Module
- Global Callshop management
- Unlimited Cabin/Account assignment
- Active call monitoring
- Real time Billing
- Individual Cabin CDR’s
- Review previous session statistics
- Review previous session invoice
Our Developers Softswitch Solution
Over 16 Years of Development
Our switch develoiopmengt team has been a leading provider of reliable, profitable, and intuitive global telecommunications solutions for Internet Telephony worldwide since 2004. Our scalable, innovative VoIP products and solutions are architected by a development team that has focused on revolutionizing telecommunications, delivering a cost-effective communication architecture with operating costs that cannot be matched by any traditional circuit-switched PSTN network provider worldwide.
Currently deployed switches handle more than 4 billion minutes of traffic, across thousands of client networks in more than 100 countries worldwide, assisting new ITSPs to launch on a weekly basis and contributing significant advancements to many open-source SIP projects.
High Quality
Enterprise Grade Hosted InfastructureCloud Hosted solution is a complete web-based portal, delivering comprehensive control and management of your unique venture directly from within your web browser. OurHosted solutions are deployed on enterprise-grade bare metal within IBM Cloud data Centers in the US and Europe.
A CLASS 4 (Wholesale) and Class 5 (Retail) cloud-based Softswitch solution powering hundreds of mid-tier interconnects, brokers and carriers, delivering you a conservative, yet comprehensive management solution to provide you with the opportunity to work on growing your business, rather than managing your operations. Our Hosted Solutions are ideal for VoIP entrepreneurs, startups, interconnects and carriers. Fully secure, private and managed 24 x7 within an IBM Cloud Data Center.
Professional Development
We also offer a full range of professional services to meet specific client needs, including consulting, technical support and custom software development including our leading edge, Class 4 and 5 switch technologies.
We strongly believe that open source and open standards represent the only future for the telecomunication industry.
Our switch developers actively contribute major fixes and enhancements to many well-known open-source projects such as Asterisk, SIP Express Router, OpenSIPS, Vovida and FreeBSD. They also actively believe that we should not compete against our clients, and so remain solely focused on developing core, leading
edge, Class 4 and 5 switch technologies.
Ask for an obligation-free quote!
If you would like to know more about us or have any questions about our wholesale routes, switching services, or Stir/Shaken & LRN products, please give us a call or send us an email. We can’t wait to hear from you!
289 S Robertson Blvd, Suite 239Beverly Hills, CA 90211